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Road Trippin'
Road Trippin'
Price: $22.95

Part No.: IM999RT

Road Trippin'
A Guide to the Best West coast Road Trips-Ever!
by Steve McCarthy

Product Description
What is a Road Trip...Anyway? A question of almost Talmudic proportions. Well, then, let's talk Road Trips. Not the "Load-the-Kids-in-the-Mini-VanTurn-on-the-DVD-and-Rush-to-Some-Far-Off-Theme-Park-Eating-Fast-Food-All-the-Way-on-the-Interstate-with-the-Cruise-Control-On-and-Yakking-on-Cell-Phone-Road-Trips;" trips that confirm Steinbeck's sad prediction: "Soon, we will be able to drive coast to coast and never see anything." No, real Road Trips. Road Trips on back roads. Road Trips eating at Mom and Pop diners. Road Trips of odd souvenir stands and picnic lunches. Road Trips of spectacular scenery where the journey itself is the reward, and to top it off, ya have to do it in a Real Car. So come drive the best backroads of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Washington and Oregon. This guide comes complete with detailed route instructions, ideas on where to eat, where to stay, and funky things to do.

About the Author
Steve McCarthy has been writing a column called Road Trippin' for several years, giving advice on how best to enjoy driving, seeing the odd and unusual, and generally ruminating on all things Road Trip related. He and his wife Marianne enjoy taking their old Triumph TR3 on long back roads trips and love sharing their experiences with others. He is also a regular contributor to "Garage Style Magazine." Steve and Marianne are also photographers and offer their work through their website www.mccarthypix.com. In real life, Steve has been a high school history teacher for over 30 years, enjoys model railroading and they have raised 3 fine daughters and a Basset Hound named Mat.

Product Dimensions: 8 x 10 inches
Cover type: Paperback
Total Pages: 102 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (March 8, 2010)
Text/Language: English

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